Friday, 17 January 2014

Space Hacking

We know that the definition of hacking whereby a person who broke into a system to gain the data of other people illegally for personal benefit ( as mentioned before). But 'hacking' in term of art and design can be proposed by other definition where Christina Haralanova, a feminist has stated that hacking is an art of constantly learning about the artifact that that surround us throughout our lives.Therefore, hackers are the creator of technology with their creative mind and knowledge to help the society.

Space Hacking
What is Space Hacking? According to gapingvoid (2013), it is mainly defined as creatively altering the space that you work with in order to make it more agreeable in your sensibility. Therefore, it is a new term of design for decorating

Here is a quite interesting article about the Space Hacking in Facebook New York Office
According to Business Insider, Steve Kovach and Daniel Goodman have discovered Space Hacking
design where the
Image1: Space hacking design of Facebook Office
Sources: Business Insider

-Facebook employees are get a budget 'hack' their workspace 
or decorate if they see it as fit.Sometimes they will pool 
all their money together to 
make something really big. Facebook call this "Space Hacking"-

Image 2: "F" design
source: Business Insider
-The Facebook "F" that 
made out of 
metro cards-

Image3: 'Like design'
source: Business Insider

-This was made by sticking 
a Facebook "like " symbol 
to the wall and dripping the 
paint over it. The original plan 
was to remove the symbol 
the paint dried to get the 
outline of it but they decided 
to remain the rough look 
that seem better.-

Corcoran,H (2013) Hack your future: How artist are hacking the world.Available at: [Accessed on: 17th January 2014]

Macleod, H (2013) Space Hacking: the new geek-chic term for decorating. Available at: [Accessed on 17th January 2014]

Kovach, S& Goodman,D.(2013) Inside Facebook: Take a tour Through the Social Network's New York City Headquaters.New York: Business Insider. Available at: [Accessed on 17th January 2014]

Haralanova, C.(2004-2013) Hactivism: The art of Practicing Life and Computer Hacking for Feminist Activism.Studio XX: .dpi. Available at: [Accessed on 17th January 2014]

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