Saturday, 11 January 2014

Art and Hacking

 Hackers are not only deal with breaking into other system to steal important document for self benefit but  actually they can share and utilize their brilliant ideas or knowledge in other creation to help the society on order to improve their quality of life. Not only that, hacking can be used as design element in order to bring out the issue happening around. Below are some of the examples:

Brooklyn_319 Scholes
There are 60 artists and hackers will inhabit 319 Scholes to explore the idea of "God Mode" and produce new and collaborative projects that can interact and engage with the visitors as they uploaded online throughout the hack."God Mode"- offer players unlimited strength, second of invulnerability, a change in camera angle, and access to certain unreachable place and become pervasive in digital life.
one of the project : God's eye
is an ios app that God is only one from all of its user where other user are God's eye. When God want to be entertained, they summon their eye through a push notification and broadcast to other users. The God's eye will offer their live video stream and earn a "god point". The God's eye can visit the store and purchases anything with their God Point, ranging from sending personal message to purchases godhood.
image link:

Matthieu Tremblin
a young French artist who using hacking design where he is inspired from the independent and spontaneous expression in urban sphere.He introduced three intervention in urban sphere.

1.Cobble Jetty ( remix of Spiral Jetty)
image link:

2. Fruit Skewer
image link:

3.Libre (free)
image link:
Due he is smartly making use of the theory of "hacking" into design, above images are the true from urban hacking.

Dorne, G. (2011) Design Hacking: The New Art Form. Available at: [Accessed at 12th January 2014]

Meyers, A. (2014) Art Hack Day: GOD's EYE. Available at: [Accessed at 12th January 2014]

Art Hack Day (2013) God Mode: Brooklyn_319 Scholes. Available at: [Accessed at 12 January 2014]

1 comment:

  1. Keep pushing on this creative interpretation of hacking. You found an interesting example. Find more and select the best for your essay.
