Thursday, 17 July 2014

Chinese Version of 'Running Man' Reality Game Show Part 2

Let's analysis the Chinese version of 'Running Man'

Introduced by Korea Netizens with the tittle 'Chinese version of Running Man'
-The reality game show that imitates the Running Man from Korea has been renamed to  'Hurry,  Brother'    (奔,兄弟) and it will begin to film for the episodes in August, 2014.
-Deng Chao, Chinese actor will be the one of the main MC of the show same like the Yoo  Jae  Suk in show of Running Man 
Yoo Jae Suk
Running Man Mc

Deng Chao
"Main MC of Hurry, Brother"

-It was reported where the Chinese production went to Korea to learn how Korean    production work during  the show
-There will be top Chinese celebrities are invited into the shows in every episodes
-The Chinese version of Running Man will be released in the fourth quarter of this year

Although the 'Hurry,Brother' reality game show is part of collaboration shows of Korea production but there are a lot of fans anti this show before it being released. Even the people in Chinese also try to protect the originality of the Running Man show and protest the imitating show, Hurry Brother at the same time. They said that no one can be replaced or imitate the member of running man. Below video clip shows that some of the Chinese people anti this show and predict who will be the member to replace the member of Running Man.

topic about Chinese version of Running Man 

However, there is the point that i would like to bring out.Both reality game shows are different from the early century where game show are probably participated by ordinary people from public but from either the Running Man or Hurry Brother shows, all the members or guests are celebrities that are top and famous enough.

There is a note that i would like to share from the book of Television Studies:

More recent trends in game and quiz show evidence of the postmodernism blurring of genre boundaries that is occurring in much of contemporary culture.It also adopted elements of games and ritual, with audiences invited more frequently and directly.

There is new kind definitions of reality game show where the values of the traditional game show and modern reality game show are different and how the audiences to judge whether or not the show is nice or attracting them. The intersection between new and old element has brought up the idea of 'postmodernism in reality show'.

Soompi (2014) Chinese Version of Running Man to Begin Filming in August.[online] Available at: [Accessed on 18th July 2014]

SMG Shanghai TV Official (2013) Chinese Version of Runnnig Man: Who will be the team member? [video online] Available at: [Accessed on 18th July 2014]

Casey,B.,Casey,N.,Calvert,B.,French,L.,Lewis,J.(2008) Television Studies,The Key Concept,2nd Edition.London and New York: Routledge

Chinese version of 'Running Man' reality game shows Part 1

Korea reality game show, Running Man,such a famous and long lasting show, do you think the show will become one of the strategy to target new market like international audiences (bigger area places) by imitating such a similar reality game show? 

yes! they are!

According to The Korea Herald (2014), here they have updated a news:

---A Chinese version of SBS popular variety show "Running Man" will be launched at the end of this year. SBS has chosen the Chinese Network Zhejiang TV as it would like to coproduce the Chinese Version of Running Man after negotiation. The top Chinese celebrities will be cast through the show while the filming crew for 
Korea Running Man will participate as well.---

The corporations between China and Korea will lead to different perspective view of values and attitudes among two different countries. There might be existence of pros and cons through this situation.
-might gain more audiences mainly international to watch the show
-understanding  deeper about culture of other country (China)  
-increase the communication skills between crews and team members that came from two  different countries and how to co-operate to run the show smoothly
Here is another Kpop news that show the cons:

--The well known reality game show, Running Man which under SBS in Korea has received a warning from the Korea Communications Standard Commission
On July,14, one of the members of Korea Celebrity f(x) Sulli is saying the Chinese swear word during the Running Man show 'Asian Dream Cup Race'. The footage about she pronouncing the swear word was broadcast during the show.After the news starring out, the staff has explained that "Sulli just imitating a word that she heard from someone and she does not know what the word meant and it was editing mistake of their part. ---

So, the swear word issue has showed that Sulli does not have any idea on the word that she speaks and maybe to her it is just a normal word.The misunderstanding about the culture of other country will drop the reputation of the victims just like the case above.This does not show a good sign of opening new market by imitating the same show in other country.

Min-jin,K. (2014) Chinese Version of Running Man To Be Produced.The Korea Herald.[online] Available at: [Accessed on 17th July 2014]

Oh!kpop (2013) 'Running Man' Receives Warning for Airing Chinese Swear Word. [online] Available at: [Accessed on 17th July 2014] 

Wednesday, 16 July 2014



According to Oxford Dictionaries, it can defined as
1.A narrated part of a literally work, as distinct from dialogue
2.The practice if art and story telling
3.A representation of a particular situation or process in such way as to reflect or conform to an    overarching set of aims and values.

According to book Television Studies, the key concepts, 2nd edition, the authors says that:
"A narrative is integral the process of story telling.It 
structures content sequentially, so that words and images
do not appear arbitrarily but in an order that makes sense
to audiences. This structure allow ideas,themes or characters
to develop or move forward in a coherent fashion"

Both definitions have similar point where narrative plays important role no matter in drama, reality show or movie to illustrate the stories and at the same time attract the audience.Using the skill and technique of narrative also can make them curious about it and follow the next episodes. According to the Television Studies, it mentioned that a game show will engage the audiences by involving them into the competition. With the tension that created around the contestants, the audiences will found their enigma" who is the winner".

Therefore, in the reality game show that i chose, Running Man, in episode 204 the show is featured about the story Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and turned into a competition where how the team members and guests of Running Man save the Snow White ( one of the Running Man member features the Snow White). Video Clip below is about how they narrated the story of Snow White as the trailer of the episode to make the audiences curious what will happen to the Snow White and how the members and guests save her.

Running Man EP204 trailer

Oxford Dictionaries (2014) Definition of Narrative.Oxford University Press.[Online] Available at: [Accessed on 16th July 2014]

 Fadliemuhamad4 (2014) Eng Sub Running Man EP204- Snow White's Kiss.[Video Online] Available at: [Accessed on 16th July 2014]

Casey,B.,Casey,N.,Calvert,B.,French,L.,Lewis,J.(2008) Television Studies,The Key Concept,2nd Edition.London and New York: Routledge

Monday, 14 July 2014

Relationship with Reality Show

Today, i have read a book that about Television Studies,The Key Concept, 2nd Edition, i found that where reality show have connection with ideas of celebrities,game shows, narrative, post modernism, realism, and reality television

According to the book,there is a point stated that celebrities may be categorized to A-list indicate the superstars and political or religious role where always placed on top. However, there are also D-list in celebrity world where they feature themselves as television analyst and their approach plays important role on contemporary celebrity culture.Frances Bonner (2003) mentioned that contemporary television which include game shows as ordinary and populated by the members of the member of public.Comparing to Running Man, no matters the hosts and the guests of the game show, they are already well known celebrities and even include in A-list. This show are not for ordinary people who desirable on winning the game and gain the fame but is already team up by the celebrities where more famous than the show itself. The tactic and strategy are different.

When back to early 20th century, game show, is truly a show that filmed by having a competition and for the cast, any people from public that have enough qualification can take part in the casting as well. According to Television Studies, games show are cheap produced but gained the highest rating at the same time. This type of show is targeted mainly to housewife,retired people and also teenagers.In Running Man reality game show, this show is invented in high budget where the show sometimes will be set at foreign countries and even in their own country, they are played in famous tourism place. Through this, their target audiences are not only from Korea but also from international foreign country and also increase the popularity of their own country as well.The game show in early 20th century and nowadays are seem different from the structure itself.

fans of Running man waiting at famous Macau symbolic building

fans of Australia taking photo with members of Running Man
Fans in Brisbane, Australia welcomed the Running Man member

Casey,B.,Casey,N.,Calvert,B.,French,L.,Lewis,J.(2008) Television Studies,The Key Concept,2nd Edition.London and New York: Routledge

Grace (2014) Running Man Arrive in Brisbane,Australia (23/02/2014).[Video Online] Available at: [Accessed on 15/7/2014]

Monday, 7 July 2014


Running Man Episode about Avengers
This post is about how the setting, look or mood in the reality show 
of Running Man that attract many audiences to watch the show
Therefore,i have chosen one of the episode that quite interesting 
(to study about the mise-en-scene)

So, i would like to analysis about episode 151 and 152 which
are about Avengers theme in the game show.Every team member
is playing different role of Avengers and they have their own 
power to 'fight' each others during the show. 

Running Man Avengers episode (upper part is team members where below part is guests)

This episode is about the theme of Avengers where the environment 
that being designed with some smokes and special lighting in order 
to create the mysterious, sci-fi kind of feel.To match the themes,
they even create the costumes for each members
 who play different roles of Avengers 

However, this is a reality game show, so the place where they 
set to play this game is in a shopping mall. With wearing 
the Avenger's costumes, but walk around inside 
a shopping mall it creates the funny element of virtue reality

For example the video below, in 0:43-0:56, the guy HAHA is
act as Iron Man and wearing the Iron Man's costume, he has came
to his base where the scene has placed a lot of his "buddy"and devices 
to match with his role. 

Haha scene in Running Man

As the team members are playing the role of Avengers, 
therefore, they need to wear the costumes, familiar with 
their own weapon and not only that,they have
 to shout out loud of their spell as well

For example, below is the trailer of this episode and 
as we can see how each members of running man 
play with their roles and weapon to win this game

Running Man Avengers trailer

The theme of this episode is about Avengers, so the mood 
or feeling about this episodes have to be fantasy, mysterious, sci-fi
kind of feel in order to create tension among the audiences. 
The audiences should not know what happened in next second.

For an instance,the short video clip below that hint
continuity of the game has clearly showed the tension,mysterious environment
and question to the audiences where what will happen next?

running man to be continue

However, this episode although is about sci-fi, mysterious game show,
but it also imply some fun element where can bring a lot joyful to the audience
Here is one of the funny scenes of this episode.

Running Man Avengers funny moment

Myyoung1010 (2013) Funny Moment of Kwang Soo in Running Man Avengers. [Video Online] Available at: [Accessed on 8/7/2014]

Myyoung1010 (2013) Running Man Avengers episode To Be Continue. [Video Online] Available at: [Accessed on 8/7/2014]

Mannex Kirk Fornolles (2014) Running Man Avengers Trailer. [Video Online] Available at:
[Accessed on 8/7/2014]

Myyoung1010 (2013) HAHA Funny Moment. [Video Online] Available at: [Accessed on 8/7/2014]

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Running Man

running man cartoon image

Also known as RM.It is a game show that made up by 7 celebrities(before that is 8) where each of them have their own characteristic and personalities. This game show is also under reality based because  every movement or conversation of the member will be document.In each show, the team member of Running man have battleship with the k pop stars(Korean celebrities) and find out which team will fight until the end.

running man character intro

Famous Fact in RM
-The team member HAHA and Gary often have feeling of fearful towards the "muscleman" Kim  Jong Kook who act as strong leader when three of them team together.
-Monday couple: Gary and Song Ji Hyo always display interest each other during the show
-Jail Trio: Yoo Jea Suk,Ji Suk Jin,Lee Kwang Soo always caught in the earliest.

Running man Variety show

There will different games and theme in every episode.The team members and guests will be given a task and they have to search for the correct destination to accomplish the task. Then, the winner will be given a clue to next destination to complete the task. When reach the final round, there will be a competition between team members and guests, whoever has completed the task, the prize will be given to that winner.

Running Man-Telepathy Game

In the KTV Show.Net, running man is described as an "urban action variety", a never-before-seen new genre of variety shows. The Mcs and guests have to complete missions in a landmark to win the race.It first aired on July 11, 2010...

SPE Network-Asia Pte.Ltd.(2014) Running Man.ONE [Online] Available at: [Accessed on 7th July 2014]

KTVSHOW.NET.(2011) Running Man.Watch Korean Show with Eng Subs.[Online] Available at: [Accessed on 7th July 2014]

Gary Running Man.(2014)Running Man Character BGM. [Video Online] Available at: [Accessed on 7th July 2014]

The Troublemaker Medussa.(2013)Runnning Man.Korean Variety Show.[Video Online] Available at: [Accessed on 7th July 2014]

Dedicated2RM.(2012)RM.Funny Moment.Telepathy Game.[Video Online] Available at: [Accessed on 7th July 2014] 

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Introduction to reality show

What is reality show?
According to Oxford Dictionaries 2014, it can be defined as a television programme in which ordinary people are continuously filmed, designing to be entertaining rather than informative.

Winifred Fordhem Metz has stated that reality show is varies from show to show whereby producer propose the concept and people who casting the show are under auditioned and being hired if they have the potential in entertainment. Not only the footage maybe real and it usually extremely edited to entertain the audience.It is not necessary to have script but there will always outline detail as guideline of an episode or part of the show which known as shooting script.

Therefore, reality show is bringing the audiences back to reality world that being designed and edited in way of witty or funny. The main purpose of the show is to entertain the audiences and make them laugh.

Do you know?

"An American Family" is claimed to be the first reality show by TV guide and it featured in 1973. It is about 12 episodes documentary series where Loud family captured day to day lives over 7 months period. 
It is about Loud's marital problem and gay lifestyle of eldest son.
An American Family

According to fundamental of film making it is a French term means "placing on stage". 
Arrangement of actors, lighting, props, costume,decor that appear in framing are 
under mise-en-scene and normally in charge by director. It normally organized by 
4 general areas:

Setting (Lowe)
- creating scene and mood that reflect the character's emotional state of mind

Lighting (Manrodt)
- the arrangement of key, fill and backlight provide the illumination of the scene 
  with the use of lighting scheme

Costume (Mertz)
- the choice of make-up and wardrobes to convey the personalities of the characters and      signify differences between characters

- most important part where the actors have to make the story engaging to audiences

Oxford Dictionaries (2014) Definition of Reality Show.Oxford University Press.[Online] Available at: [Accessed on 29th June 2014]

Metz,W.(2014) How Reality TV Works. How Stuff Works.[Online] Available at: [Accessed on 29th June 2014]

Moura, G.(2014) Mise-en-scene.Element of Cinema, a student's guide to the fundamentals of film making.
[Online] Available at: 
[Accessed on 29th June 2014]

Next pose i will talk about the reality show that i have chose 

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Question Chosen

After looking and looking again the question between question 1, 4 and 6 so I decided to choose question 6 which is about analyse a soap opera or a reality show, considering aspects such as the " miseen-scene" (setting, look or mood), audience, narrative and editing.What values and attitudes are being communicated? Between the soap opera and reality show, i chose reality show.

Here are some questions that pop up in my mind :
Which reality show should i chose for my essay question?
Asia/Western country

Should compare how the differences of  reality show between nowadays (21st century) and old decade?
- what quality of the reality show between both era? 
- how is the condition of the society make the changes on the entertainment industry? Does it have 
  any affect the development of reality show?
 (for example: the rise of K-pop/Support from government?)

The evolution of reality show?
- does reality show welcomed in older era?
  (who are their target audience?)
- what is quality of demand from the audience at different era?

How concept/idea of reality show-pre production setting-post production setting?
- how the idea or concept in term of catching the eyes of audience or reflecting the society?
- what is strategy to keep the show fresh and not boring to the audience?
  (comment/opinion from the fans and make the changes?)
- how the character being set?

The rise/decrease of reality show in recent years? reason?
- maybe audience can or cannot take part in the reality show?
- audience get in touch or not with the concept of the show?
Therefore I would like to explore deeper about Question 6 to understand the fact behind the it

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Analyzing Essay Questions

Among the seven essay questions that given, the topics that I would choose are:

1. Analyse in detail the coverage of single story, comprising of text and images, in two contrasting newspaper     and magazines, one of which should be a South East Asia publication.Compare and contrast the
    techniques used and the target market for each example.

- It should be the same story but how can it be different in terms of language or visual of different 
   publications and the way they convey the message/ tones of the story

-How can it be different between Western and South East Asian publications when they discuss about the
 detail of the coverage of single story

-Who is the target audience/market of Western and South East Asian publications and what are the 
  techniques they used 

4.Analyse the work of a photographer or film maker of your choice, using appropriate illustrations to present
   your arguments and setting his/her work in a contemporary context.Show how their work has influenced
   your own, providing illustration and examples.

-A photographer/film maker who can inspired me to learn from his/her art works or how their art works 
 has influenced my own

-Should looking or analyzing on only one artist either is photographer or film maker

-What are the reasons that I choose the photographer/film maker as my inspiration on my own works

-What are the ideas/opinions about the style of their art works in term of contemporary context

-What is the similarity/ difference in conjunction of ideas or thought in terms of art/aesthetic/function/skills in
  photography and film making     

6.Analyse a soap opera or a reality show, considering aspect such as the "miseen-scene" (setting, look, or
  mood), audience, narrative and editing. What values and attitudes are being communicated?

-What is definition of soap opera/ reality show , what is the function?

-Why there are the existing of the soap opera or reality show / What is the history 

-What is my choice between soap opera and reality show?What are the differences of them between      Western or Asia countries? For example, Master Chef in Australia and Running Man in Korea (reality 

-How are the "miseen-scene", audience, narrative and editing part of the show doing to bring out the right 
 feeling to the audience?

-Have to find out the what are the values and attitude being communicated to the audience  

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Media Culture 2014

Among the three questions, i would like to choose the first question:
People should not be censored or worry about using the swear words when communicating. Do you agree?

In my opinion, I am neutral with this statement as swear word can be benefit but also bring harm to society.Nowadays, I realise that most of people are using swear word when they communicating with each other. Although according to Cambridge Dictionaries (2014), swear word is referred to a rude or offensives word but to them swearing  is one of the pathways in order to release their anger and unsatisfying towards the stress from jobs, or family issues. Most of the people who using swear word are not really against the person whom they communicate to but is just a habit that people used to be and hard to change it by only one time. This habit can be described same as smoking where once the person is addicted, he/she is hard to change the habit again unless the person spends some times on it.According to Time (2013), Katy Steinmetz has studied on Mohr notes that swearing can help to alleviate pain that when a person put the hands in a buckets of cold water, the person can stay longer time by shouting the s*** words rather than shoot.

However, in the harmful ways, swearing might bring chaos to the society where people misuse the swear word. For an instance, if a person offence another people purposely by using the swear word, there might end up with fight or might come to worst where both of them might get injured. Therefore, parents play important role in educate their child not to use the swear word as they have a big influence from the adults as children do not have any ideas about the swear words.Therefore, they just follow what the parents do or say. If the parents always speaking swear words, obviously the children will say it too.

In my opinion, people should not be censored when using swear word in terms of releasing their stress but in the same time they must be worry where the swear word also might bring chaos to the society when people communicating with each other.

Cambridge University Press (2014) Definition of Swear Word. Available at: [ Accessed at 29/5/2014]

Steinmetz,K. (2013) Time: Nine Things You Probably Didn't Know About Swear Word. Available at: [Accessed at 29/5/2014]

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Essay Framework Proposal

Question 6: Hacker are the heroes of the 21st century.Argue and against this statement

Essay Framework Proposal

This is the Essay Framework Proposal where I am sure about this topic as I am interested with the hacker world and want to explore about it deeply.

-Subject Matter : Hackers. Introduce the types of hacker and the history of hacker

-Research Objective: To argue whether the hackers are hero or not in 21st century

-Research Question : How hacker can be a hero to help the society in term of art and design field with
                                 knowledge and idea?.

-Relevance Research: ~What hackers actually do in term of art and design field?
                                  ~Did they join any project that have relation about art and technology?
                                  ~Hackers who success in this field

-Introduced about the hackers and history behind the hackers

-The relationship between the hacker and the art and design

-Exploration about the new term of design - Hacking design

-List some examples of art of hacking event and the function of the event (case study)

-How the hackers use their creative minds and knowledge to come out a new kind of creation or technology
 that bring benefits to the society.

-Support or against the statement

-A summary the reason on the support or against statement

-How they help to contribute to this society

-Agreement on whether support or against the statement



Movie on Hacking

Kevin Mitnick
As I mentioned in previous post, he is a former and he was jailed two times as he was accused break into law and became target of FBI during his hacking. After released from jail, he subject to several books and one of the books "Takedown" was screen on cinema.

Image 1: Kevin Mitnick

Image 2: Takedown

-15th March 2000
-The story is based on true story of the capture on Computer Hacker,
  Kevin Mitnick where he is at present working as an American
  computer security consultant.
-This movie is about his life and how a hacker turned into country
  computer security counselor.Surprisingly, he is in the list of most
  wanted cyber criminal when he was arrested.

There are also other movies that connect with hacker:

-The cyber war between Acid Burn ( Angelina Jolie) and Zero Cool
(Jonny lee millar) is the most attractive part in that movie.This movie
also featured how the hacker using their social engineering skill
to get sensitive detail related to the hardware.
Here the trailer :


2.The Matrix
-The movie is about a computer hacker 
  who learn from mysterious rebels about the 
  true nature of his reality and his war against the
  controller of it
Here the trailer :


Agrawal,H. (2008-2014) Top Hollywood Movies on Hacking. Available at:

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Art Hacking Project

There are some interesting projects that is somehow have connection with hacking but utilize in term of art and design.John Borland has mentioned those projects.

Image: Transparency Grenade
Image source
1.Transparency Grenade
Artist : Julian Oliver

About the project :
The Transparency Grenade is an iconic
cure for this frustration, making the process
leaking information from closed as easy as
pulling the pin.There will be a pin that can
be pulled out and the images and web sites
will be extract out from local Wi-Fi and portray
them to a screen that display what local phone
and computer are looking at. It is equipped with
a tiny computer and powerful wireless antenna.
The Transparency Grenade capture network
office and audio at the site and securely streams
it to server where it is mined for information.

2.Packet Bridge
Artist :Julian Oliver and group of Critical Engineering

 Image 2: Packet Bridge
Image source:
About the project:
It is involving in detecting the location without the GPS by hijacking a kind of Wi-Fi signal where the signal from any location of the city will be collected in the Wi-Fi data receiver then tunneled online to another location and rebroadcast.14 Wi-Fi router are separately turned into 14 channel of frequencies of the 802.11 Wi-Fi Standard.The entire idea and concept is about repositioning electromagnetic
infrastructure into different space.

Not only that, there are also another projects that quite interesting:
Prosthetic knowledge: Assembled a series of creative project with ongoing theme.

Oculus Rift
Among the projects, it is quite outstanding and capture the attention of audience which the creation is creative enough to inspire new ideas and new experiences.Oculus Rift also have relation to Kinetic, Arduino, 3D language and Processing and Programming in language or projection of map software. There are two types of Oculus Rift that create by two different artists and as well as engineers

Image 3: screen capture of Entropy Wrangler
Image source: 

1.Entropy Wrangler
Artist : Ian Cheng
He debuted his own version of Entropy Wrangler in London.It is chaotic virtual space in which the viewpoint of participant can alter the dynamic of weightless 3D form by generating their own narrative from experience.

2.PaperDude VR
Artist : Globacore
It is a project about utilizing in common bicycle and also an homage to the well known 8 bit video game, Paperboy using the kinetic as main element to control the gesture of people for gameplay. It is built in 3D assets and build in 3D studio and textured in Photoshop.There is also a sensor whereby it can detect the speed and has ability to control resistance.It also has provided a headset with full 360 degrees to let audience to concentrate on the game.

Below are video about the PaperDude VR:

                                            video link:

3.City Trip
Artist: Globacore
The people can travel a fantasy and alien city when they ride on the City Trip. The people will feel that they are really inside the environment as they pedaling and steering and they will navigate through virtual reality.People can fly through the air and hit the ramps and use the bicycle bell to jump from the building to another building as well.People can set their own gold or challenge to have fun on it.

Video about the City Trip:

                                          Video link:

Above are the examples Art Hacking project done by the artists as they know that using their own creativity and knowledge to create the amazing and outstanding technology is important than break into other computer system to steal data of other people illegally. To me, the artist and hacker use their expertise to create their own creation are hero!

Borland, J. (2013) Hacking Secrets into Art. California: Wired. Available at: [Accessed on: 18th January 2014]

VIM (2013) Julian Oliver: The Transparency Grenade. Available at: [Accessed on: 18th January 2014]

Prosthetic Knowledge (2013) Prosthetic Knowledge Picks: The Year of Oculus Rift. Available at:
[Accessed on:18th January 2014]

Friday, 17 January 2014

Space Hacking

We know that the definition of hacking whereby a person who broke into a system to gain the data of other people illegally for personal benefit ( as mentioned before). But 'hacking' in term of art and design can be proposed by other definition where Christina Haralanova, a feminist has stated that hacking is an art of constantly learning about the artifact that that surround us throughout our lives.Therefore, hackers are the creator of technology with their creative mind and knowledge to help the society.

Space Hacking
What is Space Hacking? According to gapingvoid (2013), it is mainly defined as creatively altering the space that you work with in order to make it more agreeable in your sensibility. Therefore, it is a new term of design for decorating

Here is a quite interesting article about the Space Hacking in Facebook New York Office
According to Business Insider, Steve Kovach and Daniel Goodman have discovered Space Hacking
design where the
Image1: Space hacking design of Facebook Office
Sources: Business Insider

-Facebook employees are get a budget 'hack' their workspace 
or decorate if they see it as fit.Sometimes they will pool 
all their money together to 
make something really big. Facebook call this "Space Hacking"-

Image 2: "F" design
source: Business Insider
-The Facebook "F" that 
made out of 
metro cards-

Image3: 'Like design'
source: Business Insider

-This was made by sticking 
a Facebook "like " symbol 
to the wall and dripping the 
paint over it. The original plan 
was to remove the symbol 
the paint dried to get the 
outline of it but they decided 
to remain the rough look 
that seem better.-

Corcoran,H (2013) Hack your future: How artist are hacking the world.Available at: [Accessed on: 17th January 2014]

Macleod, H (2013) Space Hacking: the new geek-chic term for decorating. Available at: [Accessed on 17th January 2014]

Kovach, S& Goodman,D.(2013) Inside Facebook: Take a tour Through the Social Network's New York City Headquaters.New York: Business Insider. Available at: [Accessed on 17th January 2014]

Haralanova, C.(2004-2013) Hactivism: The art of Practicing Life and Computer Hacking for Feminist Activism.Studio XX: .dpi. Available at: [Accessed on 17th January 2014]